#MoreThanALabel: Immigrant Stories – First Voices

In our newest campaign #MoreThanALabel: Immigrant Stories, we reached out to those who identify as members and supporters of the immigrant community in order to raise their voices and celebrate immigrant pride. Many leading voices contributed their responses to the following prompt:
Please create a post on your personal blog or website that includes the following information.
- Your name.
- A picture of you or you and your family.
- Your ethnicity and/or country of origin.
- How you define yourself. For example: “I’m a artist,” “I’m an advocate,” “I’m a parent,” “I’m a doctor.”
- Tell us (in one to three sentences) how other immigrants can continue to combat labels and stigma and promote immigration pride!
These responses are the heart and soul of our campaign. With several submissions and more on their way, the following are the “first voices” of #MoreThanALabel: Immigrant Stories. We ask that you read, comment and share these submissions to help promote the work that our collaborators are doing to spread awareness and understanding.
- Jason Fong Writes
- Immigration Prof Blog
- Vancouver Immigration Blog
- Immigrants Table
- Cyrus D. Mehta & Associates, PLLC – US Immigration & Nationality Law Blog
- AILA Leadership Blog
- Momsie Blog
- ABIL Immigration Updates
- Hispanic Fanatic
- Betty Ming Liu
- Meena McBride
- David Leopold
- The hisPANIC
- Latino Like Me
- Phil Velez
- Elianne Ramos
- Life in a New World