Nursing Content

Which States Spend More on Health Care?

Research shows that expanding autonomy for Nurse Practitioners is an effective means of decreasing these costs while simultaneously enabling access to preventive and primary care. Check out the Nursing@Simmons infographic to which states spend more on health care.

How Nurse Practitioners Can Help Save MassHealth, and Its Patients

Massachusetts is one of only 12 states that places significant restrictions on practice, requiring NPs to be supervised by a physician to develop treatment plans and prescribe medications. However, the state is making strides toward expanding the role of Nurse Practitioners, particularly in an effort to curb the growth of MassHealth spending, which accounted for two-thirds of statewide expenditures between 2013 and 2014 according to the 2015 Health Policy Commission report.

Food Labels Quiz

Take our quiz below to test your knowledge about food labels and see how informed the decisions you make in the grocery store really are.

How truthful are food and nutrition labels?

"All-natural," "organic," and "GMO-free." The parameters that define these categories might surprise you. Before your next visit to the grocery store, test your knowledge by taking our quiz and see how much you know about FDA and USDA requirements for food and nutrition labels.

Student Spotlight: Cortney Kulers

Nursing@Simmons student Cortney Kulers has been a nurse for more than 10 years. She is studying full time as part of the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program from her home in eastern North Carolina. Learn more about Cortney in the following Q&A.